
feeding program

Get to know each of our locations.:

school scholarships

This program aims to help teenagers and young adults complete their secondary and university education. It consists of providing them with scholarships and monitoring their progress to ensure good academic performance.

backpacks and shoes

Backpacks and shoes are provided to all boys and girls enrolled in the feeding program. The backpacks include school supplies for the entire year.

housing construction

Its purpose is to build a home to improve the health and living conditions of families in need, specifically widows or single mothers.

The initiative involves reaching out to companies or groups willing to donate the house and provide the labor for construction, guided by expert volunteers in each field. During home visits, it is identified that several families live in informal and unsafe housing. Necessary studies are conducted on the land, water, and electricity before presenting the project.

The construction is completed over a weekend and then handed over to the family.

medical campaigns

Medical support is provided to improve the health of the children and their families enrolled in the program.